Thursday, March 28, 2013

Roti lagi

These are one of the kids favorite too.


Prepare basic sweet dough bun from here.
Grated cheddar cheese

1. Divide the sweet dough bun into small balls, rest for 10 minutes.
2. Flatten the dough balls and roll them into long strips as per your baking tray size.
3. Place in a baking tray, prove for 45 minutes.
4. Brush with egg wash and sprinkle with some grated cheddar cheese and sugar.
5. Bake at 190C for 12 minutes or till golden brown in the middle shelf oven.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Dah kena makan

Bahan bahannya

This is a no bake eggless tiramisu. Some recipes that I found uses raw eggs to be used with the cream, but I preferred those without. You can make this cake with several varieties, such as with blueberry filling or chocolate ganache filling under the layer of cream mixtures and so on. For this entry, I used strawberry filling and strawberries for layering and garnishing. A treat for the kids and adults too...


2 cups cream cheese
1 cup non-dairy whipping cream or 1 1/4 cup
1 cup coffee drink/expresso
30 sponge fingers/ or a 10" sponge cake
1/4 cup caster sugar
150 gm strawberry filling/chocolate filling
80 ml water
1 tsp icing sugar
for garnishing:
fresh strawberry fruits
chocolate shavings or powder


1. Whip the cream until stiff.
2. Whip the cheese with sugar until just mixed. Do not over whisk or the cheese will  curdle.
3. Fold the whipped cream into cheese mixture. Chill until firm.
4. Mix ftrawberry filling with water and icing sugar until combined.
5. If using a sponge cake, cut into 3 layers about 1 cm or less thick.
6. Spread a thin layer of filling mixture in a glass dish.
7. Then  lay a layer of sponge fingers (or a layer of sponge cake).
8. Spoon about 1/3 of coffee drink over the fingers to soak.
9. Spread 1/3 of the cream mixture over the fingers.
10. Repeat and end with a layer of cream mixture.
11. Sieve a thick layer of choco powder over the tiramisu/ garnish with choc shavings.
12. Garnish with some fresh strawberries.
13. Chill before serving. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Belum bakar lagi...

Sedia untuk di makan

Salah satu bekal untuk anak-anak ke sekolah recently.

Most of my bread recipes are from the book 'The world of bread' by Alex Goh, but I modified according to my own taste buds sometimes.

Most of them uses the following basic dough recipe, and I adjust the toppings as needed.


480 gm bread flour
120 gm plain flour
110 gm sugar
10 gm salt
20 gm milk powder
4 tsp instant yeast ~ I just used the packet yeast

1 egg
300 ml cold water

60 gm butter

1. Mix (A) till well blended.
2. Add (B) and knead to form a dough.
3. Add (C), continue to knead to form asmooth and elastic dough.
4. Cover dough with a clear film. Let it prove for 50-60 minutes, or till it doubles its size.
5. Press a finger to the proven dough. It should show a clear fingertip mark and the dough should not sink.
6. Dough is ready for making buns or bread.


Prepare basic sweet bun dough as above

chicken sausages
chilli sauce
some grated cheddar cheese

1. Divide the basic sweet bun dough into small balls, rest them for 10 minutes.
2. Roll the balls flat and put a sausage on each of them. Fold the dough to cover the sausage.
3. Slice each folded dough into 8 smaller portions. Do not cut off any portion, just like the  shape of a comb.
4. Twist first portion to the left, and second to the right. Repeat this pattern till the last portion.
5. Place the dough on agreased baking tray, and press each lightly. Prove for about 45 minutes.
6. Brush with egg wash. Pipe with mayonnaise and chilli sauce. Sprinkle some grated cheese.
7. Bake at 190C for 15 minutes on a middle shelf.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Ikan goreng bercili

My two elder daughters 16 & 13 dah boleh masak this dish, sangat la senang.

2 ekor ikan cencaru ~ goreng kunyit
6 ulas bawang merah               }
2  ulas bawang putih                }     di cincang halus
3 biji cili merah ~ buang biji     }
sedikit cili api ~ kalau nak pedas }
2 tbsp cili kisar
sedikit garam

Tumis cili kisar hingga pecah minyak. Masukkan bahan ysng dicincang halus tadi.
Biar naik bau, perasakan dengan garam. Salutkan pada ikan goren tadi, sedia untuk di hidang. Senangkan.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sup seafood

Baru-baru ni, sorang demi sorang anak-anak kena demam virus, termasuk la juga DH. Alhamdulillah, me and alya were fine, bersin-bersin je kena selsema, tapi tak la sampai demam. So, masa-masa demam ni, tekak tak berapa selera sangat, nak makan yang panas-panas bersup.

Makan dengan nasi dalam mangkuk, hirup macam makan bubur nasi.



1 biji bawang besar ~ di belah 8
2 ulas bawang putih ~ di hiris
3 ulas bawang merah ~ di hiris
2 batang serai ~ di ketuk
4 helai daun limau ~ buang urat daun yg tengah, hiris halus
1/2 inci lengkuas ~ hiris nipis
air rebusan ayam
5~6 ekor udang medium ~ deshelled & deveined, buang kepala tinggal ekor
sedikit bebola ketam/sotong
carrot ~ hiris
cendawan organik ~ dalam plastik
daun bawang ~ dihiris
perahan limau nipis/lemon

1. Tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih dengan sedikit minyak, hingga naik bau.
2. Masukkan serai dan lengkuas, gaul sebentar.
3. Masukkan air rebusan dan bawang besar , biar mendidih.
4. Masukkan carrot, cendawan,bebola dan udang, daun limau,didihkan sebentar.
5. Perisakan dengan garam, tutup api.
6. Masukkan sedikit perahan limau, tabur bawang goreng dan daun bawang.
7. Sedia untuk di hidang.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Spaghetti Aglio Olio

This is a very simple dish to make.


450 gm spaghetti ~ cooked al dente
5~6 tbsp olive oil
5~6 cloves of garlic ~ chopped
1/2 tsp dried chilli flakes
3~4 tbsp apple vinegar
50ml water + 1 tsp chicken stock
12~14 pcs of medium or large prawns ~ deshelled & deveined, leaving just the tail on
2~3 pcs of squids, cut into thin rings
1~2 red tomatoes, crushed.
parsley flakes for garnishing
salt & pepper to taste

1. Cook spaghetti, rinse with cold water, drain.
2. Coat with some olive oil, set aside.
3. In a large pan, heat up olive oil and saute garlic till fragrant and color turns light brown.
4. Add squids, prawns, continue sauteing till seafood is almost cooked, add vinegar and chicken stock. Simmer for a few minutes, but do not overcook the seafood.
5. Add spaghetti, dried chilli flakes, and crushed tomatoes. Toss till all noodles are coated with sauce. Add salt and pepper to taste.
6. Serve and garnish with some parsley flakes.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Char Kuey Teow

My little boy requested me for this dish recently. His favorite, so, kena la kurangkan pedas sikit.
You have to eat it while it is freshly cooked and removed from the wok or 'kuali'. Kalau tidak, nanti kembang dah lembik pulak kue tiau nya.

Found this tasty recipe from here


Bahan untuk paste:
200 gm udang
250 ml air
4 ulas bawang putih ~ di ketuk
6 tbsp sos tiram
3 tsp kicap pekat
3 tbsp kicap manis
1 tsp petis
2 tbsp pati ikan bilis/udang
2 tbsp kicap/sos Char Kuey Teow 
gara & gula ikut rasa

Bahan untuk mee:
1 peket kuey teow
2 tbsp cili kisar
daun kucai
2 biji telor
3 tbsp minyak masak

1. Rebus udang hingga masak, keluarkan udang dari air rebusan. 
2. Masukkan semua bahan untuk paste char kuey teow ke dalam air rebusan udang tadi,  dan rebus hingga pekat.
3. Panaskan minyak dan tumis cili kisar hingga wangi dan pecah minyak. Masukkan 3~4 tbsp rebusan paste char kuey tiau tadi (lebihan paste boleh disimpan) dan secawan air, biar mendidih.
3.Masukkan kuey teow, udang/sotong/kerang, kucai, tauge, dan telor.
4. Masak sebentar sahaja sambil di kacau agar telor rata.
5. Sedia dihidang ketika masih panas.

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