Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bread and cakes

 Kuih ni ala-ala brownie, agak rapuh. Original recipe from IKA.


2 3/4 cup all purpose flour
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 cup butter, softened
1 lb light brown sugar ( i used 300 gm, reduce sugar intake)
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
11.5 oz milk chocolate chip ( or cooking chocolate bars)
1 cup chopped pecans/ walnuts


1. Sift flour, baking powder & salt .
2. Combine butter & sugar in mixer till well blended.
3. Add eggs one at a time, mix on low speed.
4. Add vanilla, and flour.
5. Stir in nuts  & chocolates.
6. Bake in a 13" x 9" cake tray at 170C for 30 minutes.

Garlic butter rolls ku tak berapa cantik, tapi sekejap je dah licin. Sedap, boleh buat lagi.
Thanks to Pook of dailydelicious for sharing.

GARLIC BUTTER FAN TAN ROLLS ~ original recipe from Dailydelicious


225 ml milk
15 gm yeast or 5gm instant yeast
2 tsp castor sugar
450 gm bread flour
2 tsp salt
30 gm vegetable shortening ( additional 10 gm for a softer bread) 
1 egg, beaten

For the spread: (mix all below for the garlic mixture)
55 gm salted butter ~ softened
4 clove garlic ~ crushed
2 tbsp chopped parsley


1. Scald the milk, cool to blood temperature. Skim.
2. Mix yeast, castor sugar & milk.
3. Sift flour & salt. Rub in vegetable shortening.
4. Make a well, pour in the yeast mixture.
5. Knead to a soft non- sticky dough. Add milk or flour if too sticky.
6. Place dough in an oiled bowl, lightly coated in a thin fil of oil. Rest to double.
7. Knock back the risen dough by kneading for 30 seconds then roll it into a rectangular measuring 80 x 30cm.
8. Spread the garlic mixture over the dough. Cut the dough length ways into 6 strips. 9. Stack the strips then cut them into 16 (5 cm) pieces. Place the pieces in the muffin tins and cover with oiled cling film. Leave to prove until soft and pillowy, about 30 minutes.
10.  Bake in the centre of the oven at 190C for 20 minutes or until golden-brown. Serve warm.

For a detailed step by step instructions on cutting the dough, dailydelicous has great pictures!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Salam tahun baru

Dah lama blog ni tak di update..Cuti sekolah baru-baru ni amat sibuk sekali..Kepada semua, selamat tahun baru, semoga tahun 2011 ini menjanjikan kecemerlangan buat kita dunia dan akhirat..

Antara menu yang sempat di ambil gambar....

Original recipe from Ika's dari bangkok. Tq for sharing.



  • 1kg beras beriani
  • 6 biji lada hijau dipecah2
  • 1 sudu teh jintan halus-ditumbuk kasar2
  • 1 cawan minyak kacang
  • 1 sudu besar minyak sapi
  • 3 batang lobak diparut
  • 300g buah tomato dipotong halus
  • *6 biji bawang putih ditumbuk halus
  • *2cm halia ditumbuk halus
  • 2 biji bawang besar dihirs
  • 4cm kayu manis
  • 3 biji buah pelaga
  • 3 biji bunga cengkeh
  • garam
  1. Sukat air 1,100ml lalu ketepikan dulu.
  2. Beras dicuci lalu toskan, gaul dengan lobak parut. Panaskan minyak sapi dan minyak kacang.
  3. Tumiskan bawang besar, bahan2 tumbuk*, lada hijau dan jintan. Kacau sampai garing.
  4. Lalu masukkan tomato, buah pelaga, kayu manis, bunga cengkeh dan air.
  5. Bila mendidih, masukkan beras dan garam, masaklah hingga tanak
Sources:-From Aini Salim@ resipi ceria keluarga


  • 1 ekor ayam potong ikut suka
  • 1 cawan santan pekat
  • 1 sudu makan gula
  • 1 1/2 sudu makan air limau
  • 4 helai daun pandan
  • Garam secukup rasa
  • Minyak untuk menumis
Bahan kisar:
  • 1 biji bawang besar
  • 3 ulas bawang putih
  • 1/2 ibu jari halia
  • 3 biji buah keras
  • 4 batang lada merah
  • 1 sudu makan kicap manis
Cara :

Panaskan minyak,goreng ayam separuh masak.
Tumis bahan kisar dan daun pandan hingga wangi. Masukkan gula, air limau, garam dan santan
Biarkan mendidih kemudian masukkan ayam dan masak sampai pekat.

Biskut sampan ni first time try buat, my favorite...sedap..
Resepi ada di SINI

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