Saturday, February 18, 2012


"Ibu pandai buat Pavlova tak? Rupa dia cemana?".... Semenjak dua menjak ni, bebudak ni duk teringin nak makan yang manis-manis ni. Agaknya dok tengok orang post gambo kat Fb, terliur pulak, request ibu buat.

Pavlova is a simple dessert to make. The sweet taste of the meringue will be lessened by the sourness of the fruits. Alas, I only have kiwis and berries only. Strawberry tak ada. Original recipe credits to RIMA.


150ml eggwhite (approximately 4 eggs)
1 cup (220g) caster  sugar
2 tbsp cornflour, sifted
2 tsp white vinegar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract (omit this if u wish for a white Pavlova )
1 cup (250ml) single (pouring) cream
250g strawberries, hulled and halved or any other fresh fruits ~ I used canned fruit cocktail, itu je yg ada...

1. Preheat oven to 150°C (300°F). 
2. Place the eggwhites in the bowl of an electric mixer and whisk until stiff peaks form. Gradually add the sugar, whisking well, until the mixture is stiff and glossy.
3. Add  cornflour and vinegar, whisk until just combined. Shape the mixture into an 18cm round on a baking tray lined with non-stick baking paper. Ensure the edges is higher than the middle to fill the cream later.
4. Reduce oven to 120°C (250°F) and bake for 1 hour 20 minutes. 
5. Turn the oven off and allow the pavlova to cool completely in the oven. 
6. For toppings: Whisk the cream until soft peaks form. Spread over the Pavlova, top with cut fruits and serve immediately. Serves 8–10.

OR this method to shape the pavlova:

Line a baking sheet with non-stick baking paper. Use a 6cm diameter cake ring to outline 18 circles and turn the baking paper over (so the meringue does not touch the pencil marks). Spoon the egg white mixture into a piping bag fitted with No. 9 nozzle. Pipe 18 swirls following the outlines on the marked paper. Pipe flowers along edges of swirls on to each meringue..

I have some leftover egg yolks from all the meringue baking recently. So, mem 'baking' la this egg tart nya, takut rosak pulak simpan egg yolk tu lelama dalam fridge kan. 
Recipe ada klik di Portuegese egg tart

Ini pulak buat last friday afternoon. Pun nak kasi perabis those egg yolks. Ish...ish..the kids makan macam kerepek, non-stop. Keluar je oven, tak penuh-penuh jugak balang kuih tu. Resepi pun boleh klik SINI

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Macaroni & Cheese

Teringat masa study di Texas dulu-dulu, suka makan mac & cheese ni tapi beli yang instant je dalam kotak and masak sendiri. Masa tu puas check ingredient sambil refer list of halal ingredients, baru sampai tempat orang la katakan. Tercampak kat ceruk kampung pulak tu. I remembered when we had our first snow, me & my housemates yang  dengan pyjamas lagi dok posing ambik gambar...tapi masa tu memang tak de orang le...gadis2 malaysia ni je yang tak pernah tengok snow nak posing..kenangan lalu...

Mac & cheese ni favorite anak-anak. Dear hubby is away today, so I cooked something simple je for me & the kids. Ada dessert yang full of calories lagi, upon request from the kids....ish..ish...lari diet ku macam ni.

Original recipe dari SINI tapi dah di modify ikut citarasaku..



375gm elbow pasta ~ kalau takde, apa-apa pasta pun boleh
175gm daging cincang/isi ayam
2 biji bawang putih ~ di ketuk
3 biji bawang besar  ~ hiris halus
75gm butter
1/3 cup (50gm) tepung
4 cup susu ~ saya guna cooking cream, nak perabiskan stok dah nak expire
1 1/2 cup parutan mozzarella cheese 
2 tbsp daun parsley di cincang ~ saya guna parsley flakes je
2 biji tomato ~ hiris nipis
1 1/2 cup serbuk roti
1 tbsp minyak zaitun
sedikit garam
serbuk lada hitam

1. Rebus pasta sehingga lembut, toskan.
2. Panaskan oven pada suhu 180C.
3. Tumiskan daging cincang dengans sedikit minyak sehingga kekuningan, masukkan bawang, masak sehingga bawang layu. Padam api dan campurkan dengan pasta tadi. 
4. Cairkan butter dalm periuk pada api sederhana. Masukkan tepung, gaul selama 1 minit atau adunan mula keluarkan buih.
5. Masukkan susu sedikit demi sedikit, gaul sehingga adunan mendidih dan pekat. (8-10 min)
6. Masukkan 1/2 cup cheese dan parsley, tuang kedalam  adunan pasta tadi.  
7. Masukkan sedikit garam dan serbuk lada hitam, Gaul rata.
8. Tuang adunan pasta ke dalam bekas pembakar, susun hirisan tomato di atas.
9. Taburkan serbuk roti dan lebihan cheese keatas pasta.
10. Renjis dengan minyak zaitun.
11. Bakar pada selama 30-35 minit atau bahagian atas menjadi perang.
12. Sejukkan sebentar dan sedia untuk di makan....


Ni karipap sarapan pagi tadi, dan juga bekal untuk encik hubby o/station awal subuh lagi. Buat malam tadi, simpan dalam fridge, senang, pagi goreng je. Tahun ni banyak nak kena buat frozen & bekal/bentou sebab ada orang-orang yang balik sekolah lambat, tusyen UPSR & PMR.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Macarons Fever

This was one of our desserts last weekend. I have been blog hopping searching for recipes for this sweet delicacy and one finally catch my eyes.

  This time round, macaron ku agak penyek sikit dek terleka menggaul almonds to the batter, thus a runny macaron batter. Lain kali kena pastikan serbuk almond yang telah di mesin halus tidak berketul, nak cepat punya pasal....

But I am happy 'coz the little feets appears...Buat satu adun je, sekejapan dah licin kena wallup.

Original recipe compliments to RIMA, whose recipes are heavenly!! Thanks ye..


for Swiss Meringue
80g egg white (at room temperature)
65g caster sugar

80g ground almond ~ i blended to a fine powdery texture
140g icing sugar ~ reduced to 130g
1/2tsp lemon juice
colouring powder ~ (i used strawberry and apple green)

for Chocolate Ganache:

100g dark chocolate 

50g whipping cream

Method for Swiss Meringue Macarons:
1. Line 3 to 4 baking trays with baking sheet/paper.
2. Use a round cookie cutter, trace with a pencil or pen to make a round imprint on the baking sheets.

3. Place it upside down on the tray to avoid contact with the batter but still visible.
4. Sift icing sugar and almond together and set aside.
5. Pour sugar and egg white into a heatproof pan and place it over a saucepan of simmering water.(like double boiling)
6. Stir constantly until sugar has dissolved and the mixture is warm to the touch (about 50 to 55C).
7. Pour the egg white and lemon juice into the mixing bowl with the whisk attachment and beat on medium-high speed until soft peaks.
8. Continue to beat until the egg white has cooled down and it look smooth and shiny. (medium peak but not dry)
9. Fold in the sifted mixture in 4 portions into the meringue. Do not over fold batter until it turn watery, batter should be slightly thicker than cake batter. Put in the coloured powder of your choice, mix well.
10.Spoon batter into a piping bag and pipe it within the round imprint on the baking sheets which was made earlier on.
11.Let the macarons to rest for 30mins before baking.
12.Preheat oven to 150C.
13.Bake a tray at a time for 20-25mins, depend on individual oven. (i baked mine for 12mins)
14.Remove macarons and cool on a wire rack. (if ur having difficulty removing shell, spray a little water (mist) under baking sheet.. let it sit for a few sec and peel it off)

Method for Chocolate Ganache:
1. Heat up the whipping cream.
2. Pour it into the dark chocolate and stir until it is melted and smooth.
3. Leave it aside to set. (Slightly thicken for easier piping.)

To assemble the macarons:
1.Pipe the chocolate ganache on the macaron.
2.Sandwich with another macaron together.
3.Keep in the fridge to let the filling firm.

-Pour egg white in a bowl, cover with cling wrap and poke a few holes on it. Let it stand at room temperature overnight.
-You can blend icing powder and ground almond together in a food processor to get a fine texture.
-Use only powder colouring as liquid colouring will result a soft shell and mushy macarons.
-Macarons using Swiss Meringue will be more crunch on the outside and chewy on the inside.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Birthday cakes - Red Velvet Cake

Huzaifah is 7 today. Dah besar anak ibu yang kecik ni. All the kids are at home, sebab cuti maulidur rasul today and thaipusam on tuesday, dapat la mereka cuti 4 hari plus weekend. So, anak bujang yang kat rembau tu balik juga la for the holidays. Tuesday dah kena balik kolej balik. Lepas ni lambat lagi kot balik.

Anyways, I baked Red velvet cake today for Huzaifah birthday and dearest hubby belated which falls on the 2nd.. Red Velvet cake ni sebenarnya berasal dari Devil's Food Cake tetapi telah di tambah pewarna merah.

Whipped cream tu ada kureng sikit, silap beli rasanya. Sepatutnya guna double cream yang agak pekat. Rasanya ok, tapi tak sure akan buat lagi ke tak kek ni. The kids suka lagi japanese cheese cake or blueberry cheese cake.

Ok, here is the promised recipe. Original recipe compliments to JoyofBaking.



Bahan A
2 1/2 cup (250 gm) tepung kek/ superfine flour
2 tbsp (15 gm) serbuk koko
1/2 tsp garam

Bahan B
1 cup (240 ml) buttermilk
2 tbsp pewarna merah
**Jika tiada buttermilk, boleh di campur 240 ml susu segar dengan 1 tsp cuka masak. Biarkan 10 min sebelum diguna

Bahan C
1 tsp cuka masak
1 tsp baking soda

1/2 cup (113 gm) butter
1 1/2 cup (300 gm) gula castor
2 biji telur A
1 tsp esen vanila

227 gm philadelphia cream cheese ~ biar pada suhu bilik
227 mascarpone cheese ~ suhu bilik
1 tsp esen vanila
115 gm gula icing
360 ml heavy whipping cream (double cream) ~ 35-40% butterfat

Untuk kek:

1. Panaskan oven pada suhu 350F atau 175C. Lenserkan 2 loyang bakar kek ukuran 9" dan alas dgn kertas minyak.
2. Pukul butter dengan mixer sehingga lembut (1-2min)
3. Masukkan gula kastor & pukul lagi hingga kembang dan gebu ( 2-3 min) pada kelajuan tinggi.
4. Masukkan telor satu persatu, di pukul sebentar selepas setiap biji.
5. Masukkan vanilla dan pukul sebati.
6. Masukkan Bahan A berselang seli dengan Bahan B kedalam adunan butter tadi. Mulakan dengan tepung dan akhiri dengan tepung berselang seli 3kali.
7. Campurkan cuka masakan dengan baking soda. Biarkan buih2 gas keluar sebentar, setelah tiada, masukkan segera dan gaul rata ke dalam adunan tadi.
8. Bahagi adunan kedalam 2 loyang & ratakan bahagian atas adunan.
Bakar selama 25~30 minit, atau sehingga masak.
9. Sejukkan sebelum di sapu topping. Setelah sejuk, balut dengan clingwarp dan simpan dalam peti sejuk sebentar sekurangnya 1 jam atau semalaman.

Cara untuk Cream cheese frosting
1. Pukul cream cheese & mascarpone sehingga sebati dan lembut.
2. Masukkan vanilla & gula icing, pukul rata.
3. Gunakan pemutar telor/whisk, masukkan whipping cream sedikit demi sedikit, dan pukul sehingga adunan pekat untuk disapu pada kek.
4. Tambah gula lagi icing/ whipping creamjika masih cair untuk dapatkan kepekatan yang diigini.
5. Sedia untuk di hias pada kek.

Topping ni memang sedap, tak rasa muak sangat cheese dengan adanya mascarpone.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Desserts and soups

This is a backdated entry for December.  It has been a while since I last made puding jagung, rasanya huzaifah masih baby lagi. Making the puding now when everyone are good eaters, the pudding habis kena 'wallap' within the same day...hish...hish...senang nak cuci bekas...Resepi asal dari blog Rin Chann, tapi saya kurangkan gula sikit kerana manisssss. Sedappp..

Puding Jagung


1 tin jagung cream style - tin besar (sukatan untuk semua)
6 tin santan cair
3/4 tin gula pasir
1 tin tepung custard - guna bird's  custard
secubit garam
daun pandan


1. Masukkan semua bahan kecuali daun pandan, dalam periuk dan masak atas api sederhana.
2. Kacau sehingga adunan menjadi pekat dan keluar buih-buih halus tanda mendidih. Kacau berterusan untuk elak adunan menjadi hangit di bawah periuk.
3. Bila adunan dah pekat dan berkilat, masukkan daun pandan, gaul lagi 5 minit dan padam api.
4. Tuang ke dalam bekas dan sejukkan dahulu sebelum di simpan dalam peti sejuk.

Ni pulak resepi homemade mushroom soup, dapat dari jiran kakak yang dah pun berpindah. Tq ya..
Makan dengan garlic bread panas, memang sedap, tak payah pergi pizza hut lagi...anak dara yang tak makan roti beli suka lah..home made roti je dia makan..


1 kilo  kentang (6-7 biji)
1 tin cendawan butang ( separuh hiris kecil2 separuh lagi blend)....cendawan organic beli kat pasar lebih baik
3 biji bawang besar (belah 6)
6 ulas bawang putih (di ketuk)
1/2 tin susu cair ( ideal = 1 tin)
serbuk lada hitam ( 1 camca teh)
1/4 butter (jgn majerin, tak sedap)
air untuk merebus

1. cairkan butter dan tumis bawang putih dan bawang besar hingga wangi dan layu
2. masukkan air hingga separuh periok dan masukkan kentang dan cendawan, rebus hingga empok
3. Tutup api
4. Keluarkan semua bahan rebusan( Jangan buang air rebusan).
5. Blend sama bahan rebusan
6. masukkan semula kedalam air rebusan dan mushroom yang di hiris
7. masukkan garam dan lada hitam
8.Didihkan dan masukkan susu cair

Selamat mencuba...
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