Ni entry backdated ya. Have been busy lately, dengan cuti sekolah lagi baru-baru ni. Tak sempat nak update blog and ber 'online'.
The kids tak puas makan kek ni masa balik kampung last month. Ada la sorang cousin depa tu rajin mem'baking'. Boleh buat calon menantu tu..he..he..senyum sokmo ye cik kak...
Sebenarnya kek ni adalah sponge kek biasa je..tapi di makeup dan disandwichkan dengan cream cheese, dapatlah namanya Kek Snow Cheese atau pun Kek keju bersalji. Tapi ini bukan cheese cake ya...Original recipe dari MYRESEPI
Anyways, enjoy the pics...
Kek Salji Keju ~ ni nama ku beri
6 biji kuning telor
4 biji putih telor
100 gm gula halus
100 gm tepung hong kong ~ i used superfine flour je
60 gm tepung jagung
50 gm air(chilled) ~ dari peti ais
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp ovalette
75 gm butter ~ dicairkan
Untuk lapisan krim ~ satukan kedua-dua bahan dan putar hingga sebati dan tidak berketul
1 kotak cream cheese(250 gm) ~ i used Philadelphia
1/2 tin atau 1 cup susu pekat manis
Untuk Topping
1/2 kotak Cheddar Cheese ~ di parut
1. Masukkan semua bahan kecuali butter dan putar pada kelajuan sederhana sehingga pekat & putih.
2. Masukkan butter yang di cairkan, putar lagi hingga sebati & pekat.
3. Sediakan acuan kek yang telah dialas dengan kertas minyak dan disapu sedikit butter.
4. Bakar pada suhu 150C selama 45-1 jam atau kek masak.
5. Keluarkan dari oven dan sejukkan.
6. Potong kek yang telah sejuk menjadi dua lapisan.
7. Sapukan lapisan krim diatas satu lapisan, dan letakkan lapisan kek diatas krim tadi.
8. Sapukan krim di atas dan sekeliling meliputi kek.
9. Taburkan parutan keju diatas dan sekeliling kek.
10.Simpan kek dalam peti sejuk 1~2 jam sebelum dipotong.
Sekali makan je dah tinggal separuh...
Ini ada lebihan kuning telor dari mem'baking' macarons baru-baru ni. Dan puff pastry ada sikit lagi dalam freezer. So, buat portuegese egg tart lagi untuk clearkan stok2 kuning telor ni..
Kali ini ada rupa macam kat kedai sikit. Dapat garing kan bancuhan telornya tu...
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Desserts and more desserts
I baked this pie last night and keep it in the fridge to cool. We had it for dessert today.
Somebody is home for the weekend, and keep looking for food to munch....lapo ehhhh...kalau tidak makan nasi kawah je ...So, we baked (me with the help of the girls) macarons and snow cheese cake too. Simpan dalam fridge to cool and boleh makan for dessert later.
1 pie crust ~ I just used digestive biscuits and butter
2 bananas
100 ml milk
4 tbsp caster sugar
300 ml cream
1 tbsp coffee essence
2 bananas, extra
100 gm block of dark chocolate/ choc chips
1. Blend the 2 bananas with the milk until well combined and smooth.
2. In a pan, over high heat, melt the caster sugar. Don't stir it, just gently tilt as it melts to dark caramel color.
3. Add the banana milk mixture to the toffee. Stirring until the toffee melts back into the bananas.
4. Pour into the pie case and freeze for 20 minutes. (or just put it in the fridge if you do not need it within 30 minutes).
For the topping:
1. Whip the cream and then fold through the coffee essence so it leaves pretty swirls in the cream.
2. Slice the bananas and arrange over the pie filling, the spoon the cream over the top.
3. Scrape the chocolate block using a knife or a chcolate/cheese grater to make chocolate curls. Arrange over the top of the cream.
4. Ready to be served!
For the crust:
1. 150gm digestive biscuits ~ crushed
2. 65 gm butter ~ melted
3. Mix butter into the biscuits crumbs little by little until the crumbs really hold together.
4. Butter the bottom and sides of your pan/ dish.
5. Press mixture into pan, Bake for 10 minutes at 170C.

Somebody is home for the weekend, and keep looking for food to munch....lapo ehhhh...kalau tidak makan nasi kawah je ...So, we baked (me with the help of the girls) macarons and snow cheese cake too. Simpan dalam fridge to cool and boleh makan for dessert later.
1 pie crust ~ I just used digestive biscuits and butter
2 bananas
100 ml milk
4 tbsp caster sugar
300 ml cream
1 tbsp coffee essence
2 bananas, extra
100 gm block of dark chocolate/ choc chips
1. Blend the 2 bananas with the milk until well combined and smooth.
2. In a pan, over high heat, melt the caster sugar. Don't stir it, just gently tilt as it melts to dark caramel color.
3. Add the banana milk mixture to the toffee. Stirring until the toffee melts back into the bananas.
4. Pour into the pie case and freeze for 20 minutes. (or just put it in the fridge if you do not need it within 30 minutes).
For the topping:
1. Whip the cream and then fold through the coffee essence so it leaves pretty swirls in the cream.
2. Slice the bananas and arrange over the pie filling, the spoon the cream over the top.
3. Scrape the chocolate block using a knife or a chcolate/cheese grater to make chocolate curls. Arrange over the top of the cream.
4. Ready to be served!
For the crust:
1. 150gm digestive biscuits ~ crushed
2. 65 gm butter ~ melted
3. Mix butter into the biscuits crumbs little by little until the crumbs really hold together.
4. Butter the bottom and sides of your pan/ dish.
5. Press mixture into pan, Bake for 10 minutes at 170C.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Laksa Johor
Ada orang tetiba teringin nak makan laksa johor. Every weekend ada kenduri kawen, so masak ni last monday untuk dinner, after he came back from work. The smaller kids tak berapa makan, but they just eat the spaghetti dengan kuah je. Tak nak makan daun katanya......
Original recipe from Mak mon, auntie yang rajin bagi resepi...Anyways, resepi ni for 30 people, so I reduced untuk 7 people je, divide by 4 lebih kurang...kalau nak masak sikit pepandai le kira ekk...
Laksa Johor (30 org)
1.8 kg ikan parang/ tenggiri
300gm udang kering
4 btg serai ~ di ketuk
1/2 inci halia
1/2 inci lengkuas
30 atau lebih tangkai cili kering ~ di kisar halus
20 ulas bawang merah
2 ulas bawang putih
3 asam keping
1 cup serbuk ketumbar
1 tsp jintan manis
kunyit hidup
2/3 biji kelapa ~ jadikan santan
kerisik ~ dari 2 genggam kelapa
utk ulam:
4 biji timun
600 gm tauge
bawang besar
lobak masin
kacang panjang
daun kesum
daun selasih
sambal belacan
limau kasturi
1. Rebus ikan dan udang kering. Kisar isi ikan & udang kering, guna air rebusan.
1.8 kg ikan parang/ tenggiri
300gm udang kering
4 btg serai ~ di ketuk
1/2 inci halia
1/2 inci lengkuas
30 atau lebih tangkai cili kering ~ di kisar halus
20 ulas bawang merah
2 ulas bawang putih
3 asam keping
1 cup serbuk ketumbar
1 tsp jintan manis
kunyit hidup
2/3 biji kelapa ~ jadikan santan
kerisik ~ dari 2 genggam kelapa
utk ulam:
4 biji timun
600 gm tauge
bawang besar
lobak masin
kacang panjang
daun kesum
daun selasih
sambal belacan
limau kasturi
1. Rebus ikan dan udang kering. Kisar isi ikan & udang kering, guna air rebusan.
2. Kisar kunyit, halia, lengkuas, bawang merah & putih.
3. Masak santan hingga naik minyak.
4. Masukkan bahan-bahan dikisar tadi, digaul dengan rempah jintan dan ketumbar.
5.* Jika guna santan kotak, tumis cili kisar dan bahan kisar tadi hingga pecah minyak.
6. Masukkan isi ikan kisar tadi. Gaul rata.
7. Masukkan santan & garam. Masak diatas api sederhana, digaul agar tidak hangit dibawah dan sehingga pecah minyak.
Utk ulam:
1. Timun di hiris nipis memanjang keliling, ambil bahagian luar sahaja, kemudian dihiris nipis.
2. Hiris nipis semua ulaman, termasuk bawang.
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