Saje je...duk clearkan gambar dari hp, jumpa gambo ni. Ambik masa balik gebeng last wednesday,ziarah keluarga allahyarham Pok teh man meninggal. Alfatihah.
Selepas tol karak, about 8am. Berkabus, macam masa musim luruh pulak..
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Pizza for dinner
Ni menu last sunday.Ada orang teringin nak makan pizza, selepas kemas-kemas and jumpa flyer pizza.....
Since pagi tu breakfast mee goreng banyak, and then about 11am makan nasi lemak, mee hoon lagi dekat RFC section 7, ada program Santai bersama Hijjaz.So, by lunch semua dah kekenyangan.
Rupanya, this program diadakan every month, free food sponsored by the owner. Tapi food yg kat luar je lah, kat dalam kena bayar... Ok juga, sambil makan nasi lemak dengan ayam goreng rfc, kumpulan nasyid hijjaz buat live performance...The kids malu nak bergambar dengan Hijjaz, so ambik gambar dari jauh je..
Monday, April 23, 2012
Roti dan kek
Lamanya tak update. Tersangat le busy, every weekend keluar, ada tugasan..he..he..
Entry kali ini agak banyak update. Enjoy the pictures dulu yaa...will update the recipes later..

Butter cheese buns...the kids favorite....Dah selalu buat, so, main campak-campak je. Untuk sukatan, nanti I'll post the recipe.
Baked this bread during the school holidays last month. Buat banyak buat bekal, because petang tu kami ikut DH ada kerja di Paka. Plan asalnya, cuti till Friday je, then relative di Gebeng buat kenduri aqiqah for several newborns, so kami extend le cuti till sunday pulak. We stayed in Gebeng and then at my brothers place in kuantan. The kids enjoyed the stay, sebab hari-hari dapat mandi kolam...
Ni pulak cuba try buat garlic rolls pulak for breakfast. Selalu dah buat cinnabon, kita tukar menu. Sedap...
Ni belated birthday cake for my eldest girl, who turns 15 on 17th March recently. We were away at that time, so mum can only bake her birthday cake later...First time buat..the taste is ok, the decorations is a bit sloppy..boleh cuba try lagi...improvise...
Original recipe from always order dessert. Dah modify sikit citarasa.
Italian Rainbow Cookie Cake
makes one 9" round layer cake
340.5 gm butter, softened
1.5 cups granulated white sugar
6 large eggs
12 ounces of almond paste, grated with a box grater
1 tablespoon pure almond extract
3 cups all-purpose flour, sifted
3 teaspoons baking powder
red food coloring
green food coloring
yellow food coloring
1/4 cup seedless raspberry jam
1/4 cup apricot preserves
For the ganache:~ I just used whipped cream for the topping.
1 cup heavy cream
12 oz semisweet chocolate
Special equipment: Three 9" round pans, buttered and floured, with a circle of parchment paper on the bottom
1. In the base of an electric mixer, cream the butter and sugar until fluffy. About 5 minutes. Add the eggs and continue to beat for 3 more minutes. Add the grated almond paste and almond extract and beat until well combined.
2. In a separate bowl, sift together the flour and baking powder then slowly add to the almond paste batter and mix until combined.
3. Separate the mixture evenly into three bowls. Dye each bowl a different shade (one green, one yellow, one red).
4. Pour each color of the mixture into individual pans making sure to smooth out the top. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 20-25 minutes or until a cake tester inserted into the center comes out clean. Remove from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes before inverting onto a cooling rack. Remove the parchment paper and let cool completely.
5. While the cake is cooling, prepare the ganache by heating 1 cup of heavy cream in a small saucepan just until bubbles start to form around the edge. Turn off the heat and pour over the chocolate in a large bowl. Stir continuously until melted completely and smooth. Let cool to room temperature.
Assembling the cake:
6. Start with the pink layer of the cake and spread with the raspberry jam until it nearly reaches the edges of the cake. Top with the yellow cake. Spread this with the apricot preserves. Top with the final green layer.
7. Use a spoon to pour the ganache over the cake, using an offset spatula to even the sides and make sure the cake is completely covered. Use as much ganache as you need. Let sit at room temperature in a cool spot for 1-2 hours until completely set. Decorate the cake as desired (optional).
One little boy requested for red bean pau. Since I have some leftover grated coconut in the freezer to clear, so buatla inti kelapa sikit. Gebu betul pau ni, much easier than the previous recipe I posted. Rasanya, will just follow this recipe in the future. Bila dah masak dua jenis pau kacang merah and kelapa, the little boy tak nak pulak makan yang inti kacang, tak sedap katanya.....pau kelapa lagi best..hmm kids, when they are given many choices, they have their own preference....nasib baik buat sendiri...
Resepi kali ni jumpa di blog Ika. Original recipe from Jane Chew.
Bahan A
Bahan B
1 tsp Double Acting Baking Powder
1 tbs Air
Bahan2 Inti
480g Inti Kacang merah
~ bulat2kan inti anggaran berat 30g sehingga habis dan ketepikan.
Memang buat banyak, boleh freeze kan, pepagi senang buat breakfast for the kids. Saja je letak pink dots, nak differentiate pau kacang and kelapa.
Ada orang teringin nak makan kuih ni, tengok kawan beli dekat sekolah. Senang dan sekejap je dah siap...
Kuih Ketayap
Entry kali ini agak banyak update. Enjoy the pictures dulu yaa...will update the recipes later..

Butter cheese buns...the kids favorite....Dah selalu buat, so, main campak-campak je. Untuk sukatan, nanti I'll post the recipe.
Baked this bread during the school holidays last month. Buat banyak buat bekal, because petang tu kami ikut DH ada kerja di Paka. Plan asalnya, cuti till Friday je, then relative di Gebeng buat kenduri aqiqah for several newborns, so kami extend le cuti till sunday pulak. We stayed in Gebeng and then at my brothers place in kuantan. The kids enjoyed the stay, sebab hari-hari dapat mandi kolam...
Ni belated birthday cake for my eldest girl, who turns 15 on 17th March recently. We were away at that time, so mum can only bake her birthday cake later...First time buat..the taste is ok, the decorations is a bit sloppy..boleh cuba try lagi...improvise...
Original recipe from always order dessert. Dah modify sikit citarasa.
Italian Rainbow Cookie Cake
makes one 9" round layer cake
340.5 gm butter, softened
1.5 cups granulated white sugar
6 large eggs
12 ounces of almond paste, grated with a box grater
1 tablespoon pure almond extract
3 cups all-purpose flour, sifted
3 teaspoons baking powder
red food coloring
green food coloring
yellow food coloring
1/4 cup seedless raspberry jam
1/4 cup apricot preserves
For the ganache:~ I just used whipped cream for the topping.
1 cup heavy cream
12 oz semisweet chocolate
Special equipment: Three 9" round pans, buttered and floured, with a circle of parchment paper on the bottom
1. In the base of an electric mixer, cream the butter and sugar until fluffy. About 5 minutes. Add the eggs and continue to beat for 3 more minutes. Add the grated almond paste and almond extract and beat until well combined.
2. In a separate bowl, sift together the flour and baking powder then slowly add to the almond paste batter and mix until combined.
3. Separate the mixture evenly into three bowls. Dye each bowl a different shade (one green, one yellow, one red).
4. Pour each color of the mixture into individual pans making sure to smooth out the top. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 20-25 minutes or until a cake tester inserted into the center comes out clean. Remove from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes before inverting onto a cooling rack. Remove the parchment paper and let cool completely.
5. While the cake is cooling, prepare the ganache by heating 1 cup of heavy cream in a small saucepan just until bubbles start to form around the edge. Turn off the heat and pour over the chocolate in a large bowl. Stir continuously until melted completely and smooth. Let cool to room temperature.
Assembling the cake:
6. Start with the pink layer of the cake and spread with the raspberry jam until it nearly reaches the edges of the cake. Top with the yellow cake. Spread this with the apricot preserves. Top with the final green layer.
7. Use a spoon to pour the ganache over the cake, using an offset spatula to even the sides and make sure the cake is completely covered. Use as much ganache as you need. Let sit at room temperature in a cool spot for 1-2 hours until completely set. Decorate the cake as desired (optional).
One little boy requested for red bean pau. Since I have some leftover grated coconut in the freezer to clear, so buatla inti kelapa sikit. Gebu betul pau ni, much easier than the previous recipe I posted. Rasanya, will just follow this recipe in the future. Bila dah masak dua jenis pau kacang merah and kelapa, the little boy tak nak pulak makan yang inti kacang, tak sedap katanya.....pau kelapa lagi best..hmm kids, when they are given many choices, they have their own preference....nasib baik buat sendiri...
Resepi kali ni jumpa di blog Ika. Original recipe from Jane Chew.
Bahan A
- 300g Tepung Hong Kong/tepung pau/tepung roti pun boleh
- 150g Susu
- 50g gula kastor
- 1 1/2 Tbs Shortening
- 1 tsp yis
- Sedikit garam
Bahan B
1 tsp Double Acting Baking Powder
1 tbs Air
Bahan2 Inti
480g Inti Kacang merah
~ bulat2kan inti anggaran berat 30g sehingga habis dan ketepikan.
- Satukan semua bahan A dan uli sehingga licin tak melekat di tangan. Tutup dgn tuala lembap atau cling wrap dan biarkan doh naik 2 kali ganda(lebih kurang 45min-1jam).
- Satukan pula bhn B dan uli doh kembali sehingga sebati dan licin. Rehatkan lagi selama 15 min sebelum dibentukkan bulat.
- Kemudian, bahagikan doh kepada 16 bhgn iaitu berat setiap 1 anggaran 35g.
- Isikan dgn inti merah tadi atau inti kesukaan dan tutup doh rapat2 utk mengelakkan inti terkeluar semasa mengukus nanti. Buat sampai habis dan susunkan di atas tray pengukus.
- Rehatkan kembali lebih kurang 30minit.
- Panaskan air kukusan terlebih dahulu sebelum mengukus pau.
- Apabila air kukusan telah mendidih, kukuskan doh yg telah disusnkan didalam tray td dgn menggunakan api yg besar selama 10 minit dan renggangkan sedikit penutup pengukus dan biarkan lagi selama 5minit. Tutupkan api dan biarkan sebentar di dalam pengukus lebih kurang 3-5minit, hidangkan panas2.
Ada orang teringin nak makan kuih ni, tengok kawan beli dekat sekolah. Senang dan sekejap je dah siap...
Kuih Ketayap
Bahan-bahan ( dlm 22 gulung )
- 3 cawan tepong gandum
- 1 biji telor
- 1 1/2 sudu kecil garam
- 1/2 sudu kecil perwarna hijau
- 4 cawan air ~ blenderkan dgn 4 helai daun pandan, tapis ambik airnya
- 1/2 cawan minyak masak
- 3 helai daun pandan
- Satukan semua bahan, kecuali minyak, kacau sehingga rata. Kemudian tapis.
- Masukan minyak dalam mangkuk kecil. Daun pandan di potong 3 bahagian kemudian di ikat dengan getah gelang. Bahagian hujungnya di siat2 supaya senang untuk menyapu minyak pada kuali.
- Panaskan kuali. Angkat kuali tadi kemudian sapu minyak dan sendukan satu senduk kecil adunan kedalam kuali tadi dan goyang2 kan kuali supaya adunan menjadi dadar. Letakkan semula kuali di atas api.
- Setelah dadar masak, angkat. Isi satu sudu kecil inti kelapa. Susun memanjang, kemudian lipat di kiri dan kanan. Setelah itu gulung dadar tersebut.
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