Ini salah satu kuih favorite yang dibuat tak kira raya atau pun tidak. Recipe asal dapat dari internet. Dah try several recipes, and yang ni paling best so far.

Yang ini specially ordered and packed as gifts.
Kita share recipe nya ya!
Pineapple Tarts - makes about 100-150 depending on the sizes.
300gm butter - pure creamery butter
130gm margarine
100gm icing sugar
80gm milk powder
1 egg
600gm cake/superfine flour
30gm custard powder
1. Cream butter & margarine till light and fluffy
2. Add egg & beat well
3. Sift icing sugar, milk powder, flour & custard powder into mixture. Fold to form a pastry dough.
4. Shape as desired and bake at 170c for 16 min till golden.