Dah several time buat kuih ni, tapi asyik lembik je and not as what he used to eat. I have never eaten kuih ni, so tak dapat bayangkan rasa dan macamana nak buat.
Then, baru-baru ni I found the following recipe from the internet. Rasa macam what he described it to me, so kita pun cubalah try buat...And...berjaya juga akhirnya, ikut citarasa yang he used to eat long time ago..
Ini ialah kuih-muih dari pantai timur. Belebat atau lepat, dan ubi stelo ialah ubi keledek..Resepi dapat dari sini.
Since takde daun pisang, saya masuk dalam loyang/bekas kek je, then potong kecil-kecil.
3 biji ubi keledek - dipotong halus-halus
2 cawan tepung gandum
2 keping nisan kerek/ gula melaka
1 cawan kelapa parut
Sedikit kapur makan
Dua helai daun pisang dipotong selebar 4 inci setiap satu.
1. Nisan kerek/ gula melaka dicairkan dengan sehelai daun pandan. Tambahkan 2 sudu gula ke dalam air manisan. Biarkan sejuk.
2. Masukkan tepung gandum ke dalam mangkuk besar kemudian tuangkan air manisan yang sudah disejukkan. Kacau sehingga sebati.
3. Masukkan sedikit air kapur.
4. Masukkan kelapa parut dan ubi keledek yang telah dipotong halus tadi.
5. Gaul sehingga sebati.
6. Masukkan sesudu penuh adunan ke dalam daun pisang, kemudian bungkus seperti sungkusan nasi lemak.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
dah siap untuk di makan
Masa-masa student dulu, selalu tengok dish ni kat tv, and teringin sangat nak rasa, but, mana nak cari yang halal masa tu..and lagi la pulak nak buat pun tak tau. And bila pass by those mexican restaurant, ambik bau je la...Masa tu kat texas, memang banyak mexican food outlet, like Taco Bell etc..tak ingat dah ape ke namanya..
Sekarang ni la baru dapat merasa..itupun kebetulan jumpa recipe masa blogwalking baru-baru ni..Anak-anak tiada masaalah dengan western dish ni, walaupun masih tekak melayu, once in awhile kita tukar selera pulak. Usually in a week, I will cook one or two western dish for our meals...
Pernah dulu I cooked spaghetti with mexican cilli sauce masa tengah pantang one of the kids. My mother in law makan, ingat I cooked mee kari....he..he
Here's the recipe for the mince beef filling and enchilada sauce, and as always, I dah ubah suai ikut bahan-bahan apa yang ada.
1/4 cup vegetable or canola oil
2 tbsp flour
2 tbsp chili powder
1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion salt
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp flour
2 tbsp chili powder
1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion salt
1/4 tsp salt
1. Heat oil in a large skillet to medium heat.
2. Whisk in flour and chili powder. Reduce heat to medium and continue to whisk until lightly browned.
3. Gradually whisk in tomato sauce, chicken broth, cumin, garlic powder, onion salt and salt.
4. Stir until smooth, and continue simmering over medium heat about 10 minutes, or until slightly thickened.
4 tbsp vegetable oil
400gm lean beef mince
2 oniond, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1/2 red capsicum, deseeded, cut into small pieces
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
1/4 cup tomato paste
1 small can baked beans
1 tomato, diced
1. Heat 1 teaspoon of oil in a heavy-based stockpot or large flame-proof casserole dish over medium-high heat.
2. Add the mince and cook, stirring with a wooden spoon to break up any lumps, for 5 minutes or until the mince changes colour. Transfer to a large bowl.
3. Heat the remaining oil in the stockpot over medium-high heat. Add the onion, garlic and capsicum and cook, stirring, for 4 minutes or until onion is soft. Add the chilli, oregano, cumin and coriander and cook, stirring, for 1 minute or until aromatic.
4. Stir in the mince, tomato paste, baked beans and tomato. Bring to the boil.
5. Reduce heat to medium-low. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes or until the liquid evaporates. Season with salt and pepper.
To assemble:
1. 1 packet wraps

2.Some grated cheddar cheese
4 tbsp vegetable oil
400gm lean beef mince
2 oniond, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1/2 red capsicum, deseeded, cut into small pieces
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
1/4 cup tomato paste
1 small can baked beans
1 tomato, diced
1. Heat 1 teaspoon of oil in a heavy-based stockpot or large flame-proof casserole dish over medium-high heat.
2. Add the mince and cook, stirring with a wooden spoon to break up any lumps, for 5 minutes or until the mince changes colour. Transfer to a large bowl.
3. Heat the remaining oil in the stockpot over medium-high heat. Add the onion, garlic and capsicum and cook, stirring, for 4 minutes or until onion is soft. Add the chilli, oregano, cumin and coriander and cook, stirring, for 1 minute or until aromatic.
4. Stir in the mince, tomato paste, baked beans and tomato. Bring to the boil.
5. Reduce heat to medium-low. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes or until the liquid evaporates. Season with salt and pepper.
To assemble:
1. 1 packet wraps

2.Some grated cheddar cheese

3. Scoop some filling onto a piece of wrap, fold into parcels. Repeat sampai filling dan wrap habis.

4. Pour a bit of the enchilada sauce onto the base of the baking dish. Arrange all the parcels in the dish.
5. Pour some of the sauce again on top of the arranged parcel in the baking dish.
6. Toss some grated cheese on top like this.

7. Bake in a pre heated oven at 200C for about 10 minutes, until the cheese has melted and the enchiladas turns brownish.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Karipap Daging
Resepi kali ni di ambil dari SINI ya.
Untuk kulit karipap:
2 cawan tepung gandum
2 tbsp majerin
1/4 cawan air ~ campur dgn sedikit garam
Cara membuat kulit:
1. Masukkan majerin ke dalam tepung. Ramas tepung & majerin hingga rata.
2. Kemudian masukkan air yg di bubuh sedikit garam sedikit demi sedikit, uli sehingga menjadi doh. Jangan terlebih air utk mendapatkan kulit yg rapuh.
Untuk Inti:
3 biji kentang dipotong dadu.
200g daging cincang
2 sudu besar rempah kari daging
1 labu bawang besar dipotong dadu
5 ulas bawang merah-ditumbuk
2 ulas bawang putih -ditumbuk
1 sudu besar udang kering-ditumbuk
Setangkai daun sup }dihiris
Sedikit gula & garam
Cara membuat inti:
1. Tumis bawang besar, bawang merah, bawang putih hingga kekuningan.
2. Masukkan rempah kari, bila agak garing masukkan udang kering.
3. Masukkan daging dan kentang. Kacau sehingga setengah masak masukkan gula dan garam secukup rasa.
4. Sebelum diangkat masukkan daun sup.
1. Kalau nak kentang cepat empuk dan inti cepat siap, kentang yang telah dipotong hendaklah direbus dahulu sehingga separuh masak. Baru lah di masukkan ke dalam kuali inti.
2. Goreng karipap dgn api yg sederhana supaya kulitnya licin dan rangup.
1. Kalau nak kentang cepat empuk dan inti cepat siap, kentang yang telah dipotong hendaklah direbus dahulu sehingga separuh masak. Baru lah di masukkan ke dalam kuali inti.
2. Goreng karipap dgn api yg sederhana supaya kulitnya licin dan rangup.
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