Some of the dishes that I cooked recently. Rendang daging tu tak pedas, sebab lebihkan bawang, even little huzaifah bertambah-tambah makan..I don't eat puyuh, tak sampai hati nak makan. Masak bolehla. The kids and their dad love it...
When I was small, I don't eat chicken..Reason being, I used to help 'abah' my dad when neighbors in my village asked for his help to slaughter chickens for them. I was the helper that has to hold the chicken legs with both hands to keep it still, and 'abah' will slowly slaughter it and will tell me when to release the chicken. I will stand aside and watch, and later on clean all the blood and mess. That's why...kesian tgk ayam tu agaknya...Now I only eat 'ayam sambal' , otherwise..kalau tak de lauk lain, goreng telor je...But the children loves chicken, whatever the dishes are...
Sekarang tengah musim rambutan agaknya. Di pasar tani ada, cik noi balik kampung baru2 ni pun bawa balik rambutan. Tapi yang bestnya...durian tengah banyak la ni. Semerbak baunya..
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