Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Ramadhan Kareem

Ishhh...banyak nya sawang nak kena bersihkan...Lamaaa dah tinggal update blog ni. I have many recipes and ideas to share , but due to time constraint...have not been able to.

Ni merangkak juga nak update, but, Insyaa Allah...I'll post more soon..

Since Eid is just around the corner, this entry will be on Raya cookies..Huzaifah dah tanya bila ibu nak buat kuih raya...

This is a very ollllddd recipe which I copied from a fellow IG friend. Loved by Kids especially..Pictures later ye..kita share recipe dulu.



250 gm butter
150 gm icing sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla essence

200 gm plain flour
150 gm corn flour
80 gm optima flour - you can replace this with sponge cake mix
50 gm almond meal

1 bag M&M candies

1. Heat oven to 170C
2. Beat Ingredients A till creamy.
3. Add in the flours, B. Mix well till combined.
NOTE: Dough will be wet.
4. Cover dough and set aside for 30 minutes to allow the flours to absorb all the excess liquid.
5. Take a small piece of sough and roll between your palms and flatten down slightly, and place on paper lined trays. Do not roll too large as it eill expand during baking.
6. Press a few M&Ms on the cookies and bake till light golden brown. (about 22 mins ~depending on your oven).

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